The Divinity Stone: The Werewolf Thief (series #1) (paperback)

The Divinity Stone: The Werewolf Thief (series #1) (paperback)

$12.50 $24.99 -50% OFF

The Divinity Stone: The Werewolf Thief (series #1) (paperback)

$12.50 $24.99 -50% OFF

The Divinity Stone: The Werewolf Thief (series #1) (paperback)

$12.50 $24.99 -50% OFF

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Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 A heroine with a mysterious haunted past divinity stone dangerous creatures fanatical elves and a demon prince. Prepare yourself for a fast paced fantasy action packed adventure. Darla is a Brotherhood operative with a haunted past. She is an elite assassin and thief with quite a repertoire of skills at her disposal. When she accepts what seems like a simple contract to steal a gem she soon finds herself in an adventure of a lifetime. The so-called gem turns out to be a Divinity Stone a: powerful magical artefact that the demon prince Malgorath desperately wants. Pitted against unbelievable odds battling against fanatical elves extraordinary beasts and a hunter demon Darla finds herself challenged at every turn. Armed with a sacred short sword and fighting for her very survival Darla uses sheer determination and every ounce of her fortitude vowing to keep the Divinity Stone out of Malgorath s hands. It is a daunting task near impossible but there is an aspect of Darla that her enemies haven t counted on --- she is also a werewolf! Meanwhile in the capital city of Sethanon Prince Zane of the royal Everthorn family is plagued by visions of Magorath as the demon prince torments them manipulating the events around him like a puppet master. Coming to the realization that Malgorath is indeed a member of the royal family Zane decides to take matters into his own hands. Will Zane have the strength to go through with it or will Malgorath continue to manipulate things to his own agenda and put the whole world in peril. An action packed dark fantasy novel perfect for people who love a fast-paced adventure! *Warning - This novel is for a young adult / adult audience as it contains some explicit language and descriptive gore.\par
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