Cat Kid Comic Club
Cat Kid Comic Club is the first book in a brand-new graphic novel series featuring Pilkey’s fan favourite character Li’l Petey who, along with friends Flippy the Fish and Molly, try to teach twenty-one baby frogs how to create their own comics.
Rosie The Twilight Dragon (dragon Girls #7)
Rosie, Phoebe, and Stella all share an incredible secret—when they travel to a place called the Magic Forest, they can transform into powerful creatures called Night Dragons. Once there, the friends must save the Magic Forest from an evil that threatens to banish nighttime—forever. Rosie is determined to help! Her first task is to save the forest’s magical daydreams from being destroyed by pesky Fire Sparks. Without the Night Dragons, the Magic Forest’s hopes for survival will go up in smoke!
Aisha The Sapphire Treasure Dragon (dragon Girls #5)
The evil Shadow Sprites have stolen the Magic Mirror, determined to cause chaos among the forest’s animals. Aisha must harness the power of sapphires to rescue the mirror, and return it to its rightful home in the Magic Forest’s secret vault.
Mei The Ruby Treasure Dragon (dragon Girls #4)
Mei must find the ancient and powerful Forest Book. Inside its pages is the entire history of the Magic Forest. Without its precious knowledge, things will start to go very wrong in this enchanted place!
Naomi The Rainbow Glitter Dragon (dragon Girls #3)
Naomi and the other Glitter Dragons are keeping their beloved Magic Forest safe from the Shadow Sprites. But all is not as it seems in this special place. The Shadow Sprites’ power is growing ... and they may not be alone. Naomi must harness all the dragon magic she’s learned to lead the Glitter Dragon Girls against this new threat.
Azmina The Gold Glitter Dragon (dragon Girls #1)
We are Dragon Girls, hear us roar! Azmina, Willa, and Naomi are thrilled to learn they're Glitter Dragon Girls. Summoned to the Magic Forest by its magnificent ruler, the Tree Queen, the girls quickly find out their dragon-selves have unbelievable abilities. They can soar above the treetops, breathe glitter-y bursts of fire, and roar loud enough to shake the ground. With this newfound magic comes a big responsibility, however. As Dragon Girls, they are sworn protectors of the forest and must help keep it safe from the troublesome Shadow Sprites, who are determined to take the forest's magic for their own.
Garden Time! (hotdog! 16)
Hotdog and his friends want to win The Great Garden Contest! The prize money will help them buy gifts for their mums. They know nothing about gardening, but hopefully it will grow on them!
Toy Time! (hotdog! 15)
Hotdog and his friends are entering a Toy-Making Contest! The winners score a trip to Doc Spot’s Toy Factory! Toy-Tally Awesome! Can they turn their trash into treasure and snatch the prize?
Tidy Time! (hotdog! 14)
Hotdog and his friends are busy cleaning up for Tidy Your Town Day! Whoever collects the most rubbish will win a jungle adventure! Roarsome! Will they clean up the competition, or will someone totally mess with them?!
Soccer Time! (hotdog! 13)
Hotdog and his friends are training for the Kicker Cup! But Hotdog has little legs and can’t kick very far. Lizzie isn’t much better. Kev can really boot a ball ... but can’t control where it goes! Will their new Bounce Boots help kick the team to victory?!
Lolly Time! (hotdog! 12)
The lolly shop’s having a contest to see who can come up with the best new candy! Meanwhile, it’s Halloween and there’s a ghost on the loose! Can Hot Dog and his friends create a winning treat and capture the spooky stranger?! It would be sweeeeeet!
Tool Time! (hotdog! 11)
Hotdog and his friends want to go to GRIZZNEY LAND, so they need to make money FAST! They decide to fix things with their tools! Will they nail it? Or will it be one AXE-ident after another?
Beach Time! (hotdog! 10)
After weeks of wet weather, the sun is out! Hotdog and his friends are busting to get to the beach for some hot fun in the sand and surf! But will a toothache, an earache and an epic splinter RAIN on their plans?
Snow Time! (hotdog! 9)
Hotdog and his friends think they’re headed for the hot sun and sand of Rainbow Island . . . but they end up in SNOWVILLE instead! Brrrrrr! Can they make the most of their icy holiday? And maybe even compete in the Snowville Games?
Art Time! (hotdog! 8)
Hotdog, Kev and Lizzie enter an art contest at the local museum. But what happens when someone steals the most famous painting there— the Llama Lisa!? Can Hotdog and his friends chase down the robbers?