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Pride And Prejudice
Pride And Prejudice $25.00 $49.99
Jane Austen fans will treasure this collectible classic from the Dover Bookshelf. This stunning hardcover edition of Pride and Prejudice is crafted with gorgeous design elements and handsome typography for a comfortable reading experience of one of the most universally loved and admired English novels. Austen's rural romance portrays the lively dynamics of a family of sisters and their mother's quest to find them suitable partners. A timeless satire of nineteenth-century English country society and manners, this affordably priced classic is the perfect keepsake to beautify your home, and makes an excellent gift for any lover of literature.
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Frankenstein $25.00 $49.99
Experience the captivating power of storytelling at an affordable price with collectible classics from the Dover Bookshelf. This stunning hardcover edition, beautifully crafted with gorgeous design elements and handsome typography, provides a comfortable reading experience for Mary Shelley's masterpiece of gothic horror and romance, featuring the anguished monster created by Victor Frankenstein. Whether displayed proudly on your bookshelf or adorning a desk, this timeless classic is the perfect keepsake to beautify your home and makes an excellent gift for literature lovers.
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn $49.99
Experience the captivating power of one of America's greatest storytellers from the Dover Bookshelf. This beautifully embellished volume of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by renowned author Mark Twain is crafted with gorgeous design elements and handsome typography for a comfortable reading experience. Twain's imaginative re-creation of boyhood adventures along the Mississippi River is an enduring fictional masterpiece. It's a delightful gift for literary lovers, and whether on a bookshelf or adorning a desk, this remarkably priced, charming collectible is the perfect keepsake to beautify your home. AUTHOR: After the Civil War, Samuel Clemens (1835 1910) left his small town to seek work as a riverboat pilot. As Mark Twain, the Missouri native found his place in the world. Author, journalist, lecturer, wit, and sage, Twain created enduring works that have enlightened and amused readers of all ages for generations.
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar $13.79
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A Midsummer Night's Dream A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream $19.99
STAGED- Timeless tropes, enduring stories - a new Puffin Classics collection'The course of true love never did run smooth ...'Hermia loves Lysander. But she must marry Demetrius or be condemned to life in a convent. Together, they plan to elope to escape their fate. But Helena, Hermia's best friend, secretly loves Demetrius and, hoping to win his heart, tells him about the plan.Soon, the four unlucky lovers cross paths with Oberon, the jilted fairy king. When a powerful, love-inducing flower is put to nefarious use, a case of multiple mistaken identities sets in motion a night of magic and mayhem that could change all of their lives forever.Offering the complete and unabridged text, set in a dyslexic-friendly font and introduced by renowned YA authors, this beautifully designed collection is the perfect way to introduce YA readers to Shakespeare's most iconic stories.