Warriors Manga
Warriors Manga $19.99
When kittypet Tiny encounters wild forest cats fiercely defending their territory, he’s left scarred—physically and emotionally. Fueled by a deep-seated grudge, Tiny abandons his old life, adopting the name Scourge. As his reputation grows among the strays and loners of the grimy alleyways in Twolegplace, one thing remains constant: his ruthless thirst for revenge.
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Joker: Dc Compact Comics Edition
Joker: Dc Compact Comics Edition $18.99
Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!Batman's greatest nemesis reaches new levels of complexity and intensity in this uniquely crafted story from the New York Times bestselling and Eisner Award-winning team of Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!Batman's greatest nemesis reaches new levels of complexity and intensity in this uniquely crafted story from the New York Times bestselling and Eisner Award-winning team of Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's none too happy about what's happened to his Gotham City rackets while he's been away. What follows is a harrowing night of revenge, murder and manic crime as only The Joker can deliver it, as he brutally takes back his stolen assets from the Penguin, the Riddler, Two-Face, Killer Croc and more.
Harley Quinn & The Gotham City Sirens: Dc Compact Comics Edition
Harley Quinn & The Gotham City Sirens: Dc Compact Comics Edition $18.99
Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are tired of playing by other peoples' rules regardless of which side of the law they're on. They have a new agenda that's all their own, and they'll use any means necessary to pursue it. But can they get along and work as a team? And who will get hurt along the way?Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are tired of playing by other peoples' rules regardless of which side of the law they're on. They have a new agenda that's all their own, and they'll use any means necessary to pursue it. But can they get along and work as a team? And who will get hurt along the way?Collects Gotham City Sirens #1-13.
Wonder Woman Earth One (dc Compact Comics)
Wonder Woman Earth One (dc Compact Comics) $18.99
Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!For years, Diana of Paradise Island yearned to leave the only home she knew behind for adventures that laid beyond its shores. Now, after a fateful meeting with Air Force pilot Steve Trevor, the Amazon Warrior finds herself in Man's World. And she is ready for anything that it may throw at her.But is the world ready for Wonder Woman? An American government, fraught with dissension and conflicts foreign to Diana, has deemed her a danger to society. How will Wonder Woman carry out her mission of peace and love in a world that can't get out of its own way? That is, unless there are more insidious forces at play...Collects the complete Wonder Woman- Earth One.
Flashpoint (new Edition)
Flashpoint (new Edition) $34.99
Barry Allen has just woken up in universe where nothing is the way he left it! Writer Geoff Johns (Blackest Night, The Flash- Rebirth) and artist Andy Kubert (Dark Knight III- The Master Race) team up to put The Flash in a race across time to save the universe.Barry Allen has just woken up in universe where nothing is the way he left it! Writer Geoff Johns (Blackest Night, The Flash- Rebirth) and artist Andy Kubert (Dark Knight III- The Master Race) team up to put The Flash in a race across time to save the universe.When Barry Allen wakes up at his desk, he discovers the world has changed. His mother is alive and old allies are now strangers. It's a world on the brink of a cataclysmic war - but where are Earth's Greatest Heroes to stop it? It's a place where America's last hope is Cyborg, who's attempting to gather the forces of The Outsider, The Secret 7, S!H!A!Z!A!M!, Citizen Cold and other new and familiar-yet-altered faces! It's a world that could be running out of time, if The Flash can't find the villain who altered the timeline!
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Batman Hush (dc Compact Comics)
Batman Hush (dc Compact Comics) $18.99
Graphic novels to read anywhere- DC Compact Comics collect DC's bestselling, most iconic stories in a new size!Batman faces the most intense case of his life as secrets from his past flood into the present!A criminal epidemic is sweeping Gotham and Batman's enemies have emerged to wreak havoc on the Caped Crusader's life. But little do they know that they're all just pawns in a grand scheme concocted by the enigmatic Hush with one endgame in mind- Destroy Bruce Wayne!Featuring appearances from iconic villains like The Joker, The Riddler, Ra's Al Ghul, and more, BATMAN- HUSH is a thrilling mystery of action, intrigue and deception.Collects Batman #608-619 and a Hush interlude from Wizard #0.
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Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Vol. 6 Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Vol. 6
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Vol. 6 $17.99
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