Wonderland 500 Pc Jigsaw Puzzle

Wonderland 500 Pc Jigsaw Puzzle


Wonderland 500 Pc Jigsaw Puzzle


Wonderland 500 Pc Jigsaw Puzzle

Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 Revisit the charm of a classic tale with the Rifle Paper Co. Wonderland 500-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle. This puzzle immerses you in the vibrant and whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland, featuring detailed and colorful illustrations of Alice and her peculiar friends. Ideal for both solo relaxation and engaging family game nights, this puzzle offers a delightful challenge to puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. Contains 500 precision-cut pieces for a seamless fit, enhancing your puzzle-building experience. Finished dimensions of 21" L x 15" W, perfect for framing and adding a touch of whimsy to any room. Comes in a beautifully crafted box with gold foil accents, making it an exquisite gift option. Constructed from high-quality greyboard with a matte finish, ensuring durability and a superior tactile experience. Brilliant, full-color printing brings the magical story to life, making each puzzle session a journey into Wonderland. As you piece together this enchanting puzzle, let the stress of the outside world melt away as you're drawn deeper into the magical realm of talking rabbits and smiling cats. The Rifle Paper Co. Wonderland Jigsaw Puzzle is not just a pastime but a portal to creativity and calm. Step into the magical world of Alice and start your puzzling adventure today! Perfect for collectors and fans of Alice in Wonderland, this puzzle promises hours of engaging fun and a beautiful display piece once completed.\par
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