Spot The Dog Spot Lying Plush (large)

Spot The Dog Spot Lying Plush (large)


Spot The Dog Spot Lying Plush (large)


Spot The Dog Spot Lying Plush (large)

Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 Bring the wonderful world of Spot The Dog into your family with this adorable 30cm plush toy in a lying position. Made from super-soft plush materials and featuring accurate character details including Spot\rquote s signature golden fur with a big brown spot, this sweet little pup is ready to pounce into playtime \f1\endash and into your little one\rquote s heart! Children will love playing along with their plush friend as they read the classic storybooks or watch the TV shows of Spot\rquote s adventures. Play hide & seek with Spot The Dog and fill every day with a new adventure! Adorable Spot 30cm lying plush toy. Age: Birth+.\f0\par
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