The Very Hungry Caterpillar Let's Count Clip-on Soft Book

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Let's Count Clip-on Soft Book


The Very Hungry Caterpillar Let's Count Clip-on Soft Book


The Very Hungry Caterpillar Let's Count Clip-on Soft Book

Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 Featuring instantly-recognisable artwork from the iconic storybook The Very Hungry Caterpillar\'99, this delightful 'Let's Count' soft book includes multiple textures to promote baby's tactile exploration and auditory development. The perfect size for little hands to grasp, this soft book features a different activity on each page, and comes equipped with a convenient 'on-the-go' clip which easily attaches to baby's cot, pram or car seat. . Features. Fabric soft book includes fun activities; Great for sensory play - helps with learning & understanding shapes, colours, sounds and textures; BPA- and phthalate-free teethers; Surface wash; .\par
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