Easy Wins

Easy Wins


Easy Wins


Easy Wins

Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 Easy WinsAnna JonesGenre: Food & DrinkLabel: Fourth Estate LtdDescription: #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER \lquote Clever delicious heartfelt and wholesome \f1\endash\u8201?Anna gets it right again\rquote JAMIE OLIVER \u-257?A brand new and essential book from award-winning and bestselling cook Anna Jones. Discover her golden rules for easy wins in the kitchen with super-simple recipes that are bursting with flavour and kind to the planet. Anna takes 12 hero ingredients that are guaranteed to make your food taste great with chapters on lemons olive oil mustard tahini and more. She gives 125 all-new dishes that you will want to cook on repeat like Double Lemon Pilaf with Buttery Almonds Traybake Lemon Dhal Miso Rarebit and Cherry and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sundae. And there\rquote s practical advice on how to season and flavour plus plenty of ideas for invaluable vegetarian swaps. EASY WINS will become your go-to for the most flavourful dishes that come together quickly and promise daily moments of triumph. \endash \lquote A peek into Anna\rquote s kitchen cupboards \endash and her best-kept secrets. For when it\rquote s 8pm you\rquote re starving and you want a Tuesday night triumph. An easy honest delicious win\rquote Yotam Ottolenghi \u-257?\lquote The culinary equivalent of a pair of faded vintage Levi\rquote s or a biscuit-coloured cashmere jumper \endash endlessly adaptable staples I turn to again and again and know without question will make me feel good\rquote Hayley Maitland Vogue \lquote Full of beautiful and vibrant vegetable recipes all of which look so doable as well as packed with flavour\rquote Bee Wilson.\f0\par