Miffy Classic Soft Toy Various Colours

Miffy Classic Soft Toy Various Colours


Miffy Classic Soft Toy Various Colours


Miffy Classic Soft Toy Various Colours

Product description
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\pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 With a simplistic appearance and a familiar face, Miffy the famous white Bunny has endeared herself to children all over the world! Now you can bring Miffy home with our playful mini plush! . Our mini Classic Miffy plush come in three different colours. Pick your favourite or bring home all three! All feature cuddly plush materials that have a velvety texture and they\rquote re filled with squeezable, soft polyester fill.\~ . The seated form of this little, white rabbit stuffed animal measures 20 and 35cm tall, the perfect size for little hands and big adventures! . Features: . Cuddly plush and velvety texture; 20 & 35cm; Embroidered details; Surface washable; Suitable from 2 years+; .\par