Ethel Carrick
Ethel Carrick $79.95
Ethel Carrick explores and celebrates this remarkable artist who contributed significantly to Australian and international art for over 50 years.
Photography Photography
Photography $55.00
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.22621}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 PhotographyTom AngGenre: Arts & PhotographyLabel: DKDescription: Discover the history behind photography and learn the skills to get the best from your photographs. A comprehensive all-in-one guide Photography introduces you to the art history and culture of photography and shows you how to take your own fantastic professional-standard photographs. An in-depth guide to all things photographic Photography opens with a gallery of more than 30 key figures in photography from 19th-century pioneers to the top photographers working today. The gallery provides fascinating contrasts between diverse genres such as art photography reportage portrait and wildlife photography. The book then tells the story of photography from its garden shed beginnings to the rise of the selfie today. Photography further features: - All the skills and techniques of photography and features tips for using a smartphone to create stunning photos.- Combines creative typography graphics and clear text to present photographic skills in a clear easily understood way.- Provides an introduction to the history of photography. - Includes a guide to the leading photographers The second half of the book introduces cameras accessories and software explaining what they can do and how to use them. It shows how to take better photographs by mastering the technical aspects of your camera how to experiment with composition colour and light and how to digitally enhance your photos. Inspirational masterclasses covering all genres of photography - landscape portraits wildlife architecture art - also provide you with an opportunity to apply your newfound skills in a clear and practical way and give advice on becoming a professional photographer yourself. The ideal book for anyone with an interest in the history of photography or who wants to improve their own photography technique doubling up as the perfect gift book for photography and art students who are seeking to learn more about these subjects.\par }
Poor Artists
Poor Artists $45.00
A moving, eye-opening journey through the world of contemporary art from one of the most innovative voices in the fieldAt a moment in which working as a professional artist is an increasingly unattainable luxury, art criticism duo The White Pube investigate why so many artists try anyway. Labelled "the Diet Prada of the art world" by British Vogue, in Poor Artists writers Gabrielle de la Puente and Zarina Muhammad ridicule a contemporary art world that has turned art into artworks, art schools into art universities, and creative expression into cut-throat competition.Poor Artists follows aspiring artist Quest Talukdar as she embarks on a surreal journey into the creative industry, where she must decide whether she cares more about success or staying true to herself. Featuring dialogue from anonymous interviews with real people who have all had to ask themselves the same question - including a Turner Prize winner or two, a recluse, a Venice Biennale fraudster, a communist messiah, a ghost, and a literal knight - The White Pube tell the story of art like never before.
The Calligraphy Book
The Calligraphy Book $55.00
DK's essential guide to calligraphy, written by the creative mind behind the world's most popular calligraphy websiteMaster modern calligraphy and create stunning invitations, artworks, and labels with this essential guide from The Postman's Knock.This all-in-one guide reveals the secret to creating stunning letter art, with essential tips, expert advice, and inspiring projects from Lindsey Bugbee, the creator of The Postman's Knock, the world's number one calligraphy website.Discover the tools you need to achieve the best results- not only pens, nibs, inks, and paper, but also patience and creativity as you build up your confidence and skills. Follow step-by-step guides to Lindsey's favourite lettering styles, then put your new-found skills to use with 15 inspiring projects, including ideas for unique invitations and cards for loved ones. With a little time, practice, and a little ink, you'll be amazed at what you can create.