The Three Little Pigs (true Crime Fairy Tales)
The Three Little Pigs (true Crime Fairy Tales) $16.99
There’s a new case to solve in Fairy Tale Town – the three little pigs have had their houses blown down! Slide, open and search the pictures to look for clues, then follow the rhyme and solve the crime. This interactive whodunit board book is perfect for little detectives. Little ones will love this exciting twist on a classic tale, with a variety of fun novelties to explore throughout.
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The Tooth Fairy $24.99
A charming fairytale original to Shirley Barber about what happens to baby teeth when the Tooth Fairy comes to take them away . . .
The Two-hearted Numbat
The Two-hearted Numbat $19.99
A beautiful First Nations picture book from the award-winning Indigenous creators Ambelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina, The Two-Hearted Numbat is an uplifting tale about identity and balancing the needs of others with your own.There was once a numbat who had two hearts. Numbat's first heart was a feather, and when he wore it he felt soft and gentle. His second heart was a stone, and when he wore it he felt powerful and strong. But it was troublesome to have two hearts. Numbat decided it would be better to have only one - but which heart should he choose?The Two-Hearted Numbat is an uplifting tale about identity, perfect for younger readers.
The Ultimate Animal Alphabet Book The Ultimate Animal Alphabet Book
The Ultimate Animal Alphabet Book $29.99
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar 2
The Very Hungry Caterpillar 2 $16.99
Eric Carle's classic and much loved picture book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.The classic edition of the bestselling story written for the very young. A newly hatched caterpillar eats his way through all kinds of food.
The Very Noisy Baby
The Very Noisy Baby $14.99
THE VERY NOISY BABY has sold more than 21,000 copies on bookscan and was an honour book for the 2018 Childrens Book Council of Australia Early Childhood Book of the Year award.
The Very Super Bear
The Very Super Bear $18.99
There’s a monster in the jungle and it’s gobbling up the trees! It sounds like a job for The Very Super Bear! Can The Very Super Bear and his sidekick, Bruce the Goose, save the jungle from the cranky, yellow monster?
The Wild Guide To Starting School (with Book Labels)
The Wild Guide To Starting School (with Book Labels) $19.99
Hey, wild thing! Are you about to start school? Then it’s time to get set for your wildest adventure yet. Follow this simple guide and you’ll learn everything you need to know.
The Wonky Donkey (with Downloadable Song) The Wonky Donkey (with Downloadable Song)
The Wonky Donkey (with Downloadable Song) $18.99
I was walking down the road, and I saw a donkey ... hee-haw! And he only had three legs. He was a wonky donkey ... In this funny, cumulative song, each page tells us something new about the donkey until we end up with a spunky, hanky-panky cranky stinky dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey, which will have children in fits of laughter! There is much fun to be had by listening to the song and trying to predict the new word for each clue given! Download or stream the award-winning song performed by Craig Smith.
There's A Bear On My Chair 10th Anniversary Edition
There's A Bear On My Chair 10th Anniversary Edition $19.99
Special 10th-anniversary edition of the award-winning and bestselling picture book by Ross Collins. There's a bear on mouse's chair and he just doesn't care!
Tiny Jenny
Tiny Jenny $24.99
Join Tiny Jenny, a mischievous fairy born to a family of wrens, as she sets out to find where she truly belongs. Mr and Mrs Wren are surprised when a tiny, wingless fairy hatches from one of their eggs. But they lovingly name her Tiny Jenny and raise her as their own. Tiny Jenny – like all fairies – grows to be a menace in the woods. She digs up squirrel nuts and blocks mole hills. The other forest creatures are not happy. So Tiny Jenny decides it is time to leave her home and seek out her fairy family. But it turns out the fairies are anything but welcoming! Oh, where does Tiny Jenny truly belong?