Angel Tarot Pocket Edition
Go beyond the traditional angel tarot decks with this bestselling set of 72 angels of the Kabbalah (or Shem HaMephorash) cards, now in a handy pocket-sized tin This bestselling tarot deck is now presented as a pocket edition in a special tin, making it a gorgeous, easy gift or a great 'take anywhere' self-purchase. This tarot shares power of the Shem HaMephorash with everyone interested in the mysteries of these heavenly creatures. These secrets were previously held only in ancient magical grimoires and obscure religious texts. By invoking these supreme angelic beings through their corresponding sigils you can discover their true power. More than just prophetic and insight tools, when combined with the supplied summoning seals and pentacles, the nine choirs of angelic hierarchy and the original divine names you can invoke the true energies of these sacred beings into your life. Perfect for those interested in going beyond the regular tarot, these cards will introduce you to divine beings who descend from the heavens bringing their love, healing energy, wisdom and wealth. Find an intimate embrace in The Lovers with Archangel Haniel, move past challenges on The Chariot with Archangel Michael, discover treasures of The World with Damabiah or call upon divine justice from Caliel. Through the Angel Tarot, occultist Travis McHenry reveals the true forms of ancient angelic beings and offers an incredible tool to summon their majesty for our aid and sacred divination.

In The Footsteps Of Zen
“Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.” – Zhuangzi And this is Zen… We live busy lives in busy times. Anxiety, depression and discontent are on the increase. There is no quick fix for the woes of modern living. We are born and we die but in between can be glorious – this is the way of Zen. Zen is NOT a religion, it is NOT a dogma, it is a way of life that is extremely practical and applicable to modern life. “A path is made by walking on it.” Begin your walk withZen now and reconnect with the joy in your life.

Japanese Proverbs
This is a collection of 200 Japanese proverbs with illustrations and explanations for each saying.

Occult Tarot Pocket Edition
Go beyond the traditional tarot decks with this bestselling set of 78 daemon cards, now in a handy pocket-sized tin This bestselling tarot deck is now presented as a pocket edition in a special tin, making it a gorgeous, easy gift or a great 'take anywhere' self-purchase. Author and occultist Travis McHenry reveals the secret daemons of the 17th century and conjures their powers into this unique 78-card divination deck. Drawing on daemons, symbols and sigils from ancient magickal grimoires; including Archidoxis Magica and the Key of Solomon, Occult Tarot Pocket Edition presents a fully realised divination tool to finally embrace and behold the mysteries of the night. The first tarot deck to faithfully adhere to the Solomonic principles of demon conjuration, Occult Tarot Pocket Edition allows practitioners to discover the power of ancient daemons and learn to tame the beasts that wander between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Oriens Animal Tarot Pocket Edition
This animal-themed card deck reflects nature through mythical and ethereal means and is rich in animal symbolism, allowing you to spiritually connect with the universe and yourself through the exquisite art of divination. The deck is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts and advanced tarot readers. Featuring 78 unique animal illustrations, it also makes a great gift for art enthusiasts.

The Complete Book Of Dreams
The Complete Book of Dreams engages the main body, mind, and spirit sub-practices in achieving better sleep, and with it, better physical and emotional health.

The Green Witch Illustrated
Behold the spellbinding beauty of the green witch with this lavishly illustrated edition of the bestselling The Green Witch perfectly complementing and honoring the magical guidance practitioners have come to cherish. A gorgeous way to celebrate and honor green witchcraft, The Green Witch Illustrated breathes beautiful new life into the powerful guidance, spells, and rituals of bestselling author Arin Murphy-Hiscock. Lavishly illustrated by award-winning artist Sara Richard, this new tome will become a showpiece in every practitioner’s home, whether it’s close to the hearth, upon their altar, or displayed for all to enjoy its enchanting beauty. Flip through its detailed pages and land upon magical advice on how to attune yourself with nature, raise your own green witch’s garden, or manifest the powers of the season. With spells and rituals exclusive to this expanded edition, everyone can fall in love and discover something new and bewitching. The Green Witch Illustrated paints a stunning new path for the green witch to follow.