Directional Living
Directional Living $36.99
A step-by-step guide to creating a life of maximum fulfilment and purpose by the "Conscious Career Coach," who has helped countless women find their career paths and answer the question, 'WTF am I doing with my life?'So many of us have done everything "right" for our careers. You picked a career "destination", got the grades, made the 5-year plan, checked all the boxes, worked hard, and climbed the ladder -- and now? You're miserable. Every career milestone has made you feel emptier and you've finally arrived at your "destination" to find that you're stuck, burned out and left wondering, 'WTF and I doing with my life?'In DIRECTIONAL LIVING, Megan Hellerer shows us how everything we've been taught about achievement and the path to success is wrong. She presents a new way of thinking about our lives, one that turns away from the voices telling us what a good life "should" look like and instead employs a toolkit full of ideas for a step-by-step approach to activating your purpose and finding an ambition that aligns with the direction in life you really want to take.Through Hellerer's revolutionary Directional Living Method, we can get unstuck in our careers or even transform them, move from misery to meaning, and find the work we are meant to be doing in the world.
Don't Believe Everything You Think (expanded Edition)
Don't Believe Everything You Think (expanded Edition) $29.99
In this book, you'll discover the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to achieve freedom of mind to effortlessly create the life you've always wanted to live. Although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. This book offers a completely new paradigm and understanding of where our human experience comes from, allowing us to end our own suffering and create how we want to feel at any moment. In This Book, You’ll Discover:<ul><li>The root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to end it</li> <li>How to become unaffected by negative thoughts and feelings</li> <li>How to experience unconditional love, peace, and joy in the present, no matter what our external circumstances look like</li> <li>How to instantly create a new experience of life if you don’t like the one you’re in right now</li> <li>How to break free from a negative thought loop when we inevitably get caught in one</li> <li>How to let go of anxiety, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and any self-destructive habits</li> <li>How to effortlessly create from a state of abundance, flow, and ease</li> <li>How to develop the superpower of being okay with not knowing and uncertainty</li> <li>How to access your intuition and inner wisdom that goes beyond the limitations of thinking</li> </ul> No matter what has happened to you, where you are from, or what you have done, you can still find total peace, unconditional love, complete fulfillment, and an abundance of joy in your life. No person is an exception to this. Darkness only exists because of the light, which means even in our darkest hour, light must exist. Within the pages of this book, contains timeless wisdom to empower you with the understanding of our mind’s infinite potential to create any experience of life that we want no matter the external circumstances. Don’t Believe Everything You Think (Expanded Edition) is not about rewiring your brain, rewriting your past, positive thinking or anything of the sort. We cannot solve our problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. Tactics are temporary. An expansion of consciousness is permanent. This book was written to help you go beyond your thinking and discover the truth of what you already intuitively know deep inside your soul.
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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway $22.99
This eye-catching Vermilion Life Essentials edition will introduce Susan Jeffers' timeless classic to a whole new generation of smart-thinking readersWhat are you afraid of - and how is it holding you back?The phenomenal classic on moving from a place of paralysis, pain and indecision to one of energy, enthusiasm and actionWhatever your anxieties, Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway can teach you how to handle what life throws at you, allowing you to take control, move forwards and live the life you want.First published over 30 years ago, Susan Jeffers' phenomenal classic has helped change the lives of over two million readers around the world. Her timeless advice is as important and relevant today as when it was first published- we live in an era governed by fear - fear of failure, of missing out, of rejection, of the future, of change, of not fitting in, of intimacy, of being alone, of growing old ... the list seems endless. We are also easily paralysed by fear of the things we need to do from driving or public speaking to making tough decisions or asking for what we want or need.Whatever your challenge and whatever fears are holding you back, Susan Jeffers' profound advice, insight and tools will help you move from a place of paralysis, pain and indecision to one of energy, enthusiasm and action.
Figuring Out Thirty
Figuring Out Thirty $36.99
A refreshingly honest and reassuring account of turning thirty, from the host of the Figuring Out 30 podcast and bestselling author of How to Endo.When Bridget Hustwaite blew out her thirtieth birthday candles, she had no idea of the profound changes that awaited her in this new decade. Instead of ticking off the traditional expectations (buy a house, get married, start a family), Bridget's list of early thirties life moments looked wildly different to what she anticipated. Her long-term relationship of five years had just ended, she said goodbye to her dream job, was diagnosed with ADHD and became a lockdown dog mum. And that was just the beginning . . .Figuring Out Thirty covers the big questions we ask ourselves as the defining decade looms. How do we know the decisions we're making for our futures are the right ones for us, and not what society expects of us? Is marriage still relevant, and how do we decide if we want to have children - and when? Do our dream careers have expiration dates? And why do our friendships hit different now?In her characteristically warm and relatable style, Bridget brings together collected wisdom from her hit podcast of the same name to deliver wide-ranging perspectives on crossing the threshold from our twenties to our thirties, and all that comes with it. Along the way she shares her frank, hard-earned lessons about what really matters at this time in our lives, and how we can navigate the ups and downs while staying true to ourselves. As you'll discover, there is magic to be found in things not going exactly to plan.'Funny, feminist and authentic.' Hannah Ferguson'Refreshingly real.' Laura Henshaw'A millennial's modern-day toolkit wrapped in a warm hug.' Maggie Zhou
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From Strength To Strength
From Strength To Strength $22.99
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.22621}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\cf1\fs16\lang1033 From Strength to StrengthArthur C. BrooksGenre: Society & CultureLabel: Green TreeDescription: THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'In this book Arthur C. Brooks helps people find greater happiness as they age and change' - The Dalai Lama 'This book is amazing' - Chris Evans'A valuable guide to finding new purpose and success in later life' - Daily Mail From the bestselling author and columnist behind The Atlantic\rquote s popular 'How to Build a Life' series a guide to transforming the life changes we fear into a source of strength. In the first half of life ambitious strivers embrace a simple formula for success in work and life: focus single-mindedly work tirelessly sacrifice personally and climb the ladder relentlessly. It works. Until it doesn\rquote t. The second half of life is governed by different rules. In middle age many strivers begin to find success coming harder and harder rewards less satisfying and family relationships withering. In response they do what strivers always do: they double down on work in an attempt to outrun decline and weakness and deny the changes that are becoming more and more obvious. The result is often anger fear and disappointment at a time in life that they imagined would be full of joy fulfilment and pride. It doesn\rquote t have to be that way. In From Strength to Strength happiness expert and bestselling author Arthur C. Brooks reveals a path to beating the 'striver\rquote s curse.' Drawing on science classical philosophy theology and history he shares strategies for releasing old habits and forming new life practices showing you how to: - Kick the habits of workaholism success addiction and self-objectification - Meditate on death \f1\endash in order to beat fear and live well - Start a spiritual adventure - Embrace weakness in a way that turns it into strength. Change in your life is inevitable but suffering is not. From Strength to Strength shows you how to accept the gifts of the second half of life with grace joy and ever deepening purpose.\f0\par }
Fuck This Shitshow
Fuck This Shitshow $29.99
This revised and updated edition of the bestselling, profanity-laced journal includes even more snarky activities, mantras, and prompts for readers looking to say “Fuck This Shitshow” and give the world the middle finger. Sure, being meditative and mindful sounds nice, but honestly, do you really have the energy for that? And for inner peace? You’ve got to be kidding. So if you’re like every woman who’s stressed out, trying to hold in her rage, and close to flipping the finger at the guy who just cut her off, then Fuck This Shitshow: A Gratitude Journal for Tired-Ass Women is for you. Created by a fellow tired-ass woman and featuring prompts that are actually useful, like “Bitch Session” and “Asshole of the Day,” positive affirmations reminding journalers that “Little Girls Cry, Big Girls Say Fuck” and “It’s Better to Be Full of Wine than Full of Shit,” and dozens of activities like “Unscramble This Shit” and “Color the Fuck,” Fuck This Shitshow is the journal that every grown-ass woman needs and will want to share with her friends.
Hidden Potential Hidden Potential
Hidden Potential $24.99
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again illuminates how we can elevate ourselves and others to unexpected heights.#1 New York Times bestseller"This brilliant book will shatter your assumptions about what it takes to improve and succeed. I wish I could go back in time and gift it to my younger self. It would've helped me find a more joyful path to progress."-Serena Williams, 23-time Grand Slam singles tennis championThe #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again illuminates how we can elevate ourselves and others to unexpected heights.We live in a world that's obsessed with talent. We celebrate gifted students in school, natural athletes in sports, and child prodigies in music. But admiring people who start out with innate advantages leads us to overlook the distances we ourselves can travel. We can all improve at improving. And when opportunity doesn't knock, there are ways to build a door.Hidden Potential offers a new framework for raising aspirations and exceeding expectations. Adam Grant weaves together groundbreaking evidence, surprising insights, and vivid story-telling that takes us from the classroom to the boardroom, the playground to the Olympics, and underground to outer space. He shows that progress depends less on how hard you work than how well you learn. Growth is not about the genius you possess - it's about the character you develop. Grant explores how to build the charac-ter skills and motivational structures to realize our own potential, and how to design systems that create opportunities for those who have been underrated and overlooked.This book reveals how anyone can rise to achieve greater things. The true measure of your potential is not the height of the peak you've reached, but how far you've climbed to get there.
How To Let Things Go
How To Let Things Go $36.99
From the Zen Buddhist author of international bestsellers The Art of Simple Living and Don't Worry, this beautiful and calming book teaches us the most important lesson of all, how to let go.Think of letting things go as setting them free.<p>Amid the relentless cycle of news, social media, emails and texts, it can be hard to know when, if ever, you can take a break. In this insightful book, renowned Zen Buddhist monk, Shunmyo Masuno, offers us a radical message- sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all.You will learn 99 empowering tips and truths that will help you ease the pressure, including how to say no and accept that you cannot do what you cannot do, that social media is a tool and nothing more, that decisions should be made in the light of day - not rushed into - and that we should take more breaks the busier we become.</p><p>How to Let Things Go will teach you how to relinquish control and find a way to a calmer, more fulfilling life.</p>
How To Sleep Like A Caveman
How To Sleep Like A Caveman $34.99
HOW TO SLEEP LIKE A CAVEMAN Sleep has hardly changed since Paleolithic humans snoozed soundly in their caves. While sabre-toothed tigers were their biggest night-time worry, today it’s stress and social media that keep us awake, but the solutions are the same, and sleep therapist Dr Merijn van de Laar offers understanding and advice to have you sleeping better within weeks. Human sleep as we know it today evolved hundreds of thousands years ago, to suit a hunter–gatherer lifestyle. It’s not always compatible with our modern lives, but remains an essential function, vital for our health, well-being and daytime functioning. In this groundbreaking new book, Dr Merijn van de Laar investigates the origins of sleep based on archaeological findings and anthropological studies in contemporary hunter-gatherers, looking at the major discrepancies between our primordial bodily needs and our current sleep-inhibiting behaviour.Cave dwellers lived in balance with the forces of nature. They had adapted perfectly to environmental influences such as light, temperature and seasonal variations. The way they ate and moved during the day must have had a positive effect on sleep quality. We need to look to their example, and adjust our eating, exercise, light, temperature and, last but not least: our expectations towards sleep. By taking on board the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, we will improve the quality of our sleep, the way our bodies were designed to do it.
How To Win Friends & Influence People
How To Win Friends & Influence People $24.99
<p>For more than sixty years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives.</p> <p>The iconic bestseller. The world's benchmark business and personal development book. This book will help you solve one of the biggest problems you face: how to get along with and influence people in your daily business and social contacts. Since it was first published in 1936, Dale Carnegie's all-time classic has been translated into almost every known language and continues to help millions of readers around the world. How to Win Friends & Influence People can help you achieve these important goals: Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts, acquire new visions, discover new ambitions; Make friends easily and quickly; Increase your popularity; Win people to your way of thinking; Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done; Handle complaints, avoid arguments; Become a better speaker and more entertaining conversationalist</p>
Ikigai $27.99
IKIGAI Discover the art of mindfulness through words, phrases, haikus and photographs that reflect the stillness and meditative nature of Japanese culture. Living in today’s frenetic world, I often feel disconnected – from reality, from people and from nature. I believe that is why it is crucial to keep the words in this book close to your heart. We sometimes need to stop what we are doing and bring our attention towards the present moment, to be happy with who we are, to find beauty, to discover peace. Japanese culture sensitively interweaves language and philosophy. Across more than 40 words and phrases, from the wistful poetry of mono-no aware, a phrase that asks us to recognise the bittersweet transience of all things, to the quiet harmony of wa, this book hopes to inspire you to adopt a more mindful attitude to life, seeking meaning beyond materialism and finding your own motivation, your ikigai.
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It Didn't Start With You
It Didn't Start With You $35.00
A groundbreaking approach to transforming traumatic legacies passed down in families over generations, by an acclaimed expert in the field'Groundbreaking' Tara BrachDepression. Anxiety. Chronic pain. Phobias. Obsessive thoughts. The evidence is compelling- the root of these difficulties may reside in the traumas of our parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents. The latest research affirms that traumatic experience is passed on to future generations and that this emotional inheritance, hidden in everything from our gene expression to everyday language, plays a greater role in our health than ever previously understood.Building on the work of leading experts in neuroscience and posttraumatic stress, Mark Wolynn has developed a pioneering approach to identifying and breaking these inherited family patterns. Having worked with individuals and groups on a therapeutic level for more than twenty years, It Didn't Start With You is his accessible, pragmatic and transformative guide to a method that has helped thousands of people reclaim their lives.
Just Friends
Just Friends $34.99
Just FriendsBy YankovichAn ode to the friendships that shape us—past, present, and forever.Voice memos, care packages, hours-long phone conversations, treasured traditions spanning decades, raised glasses during wedding toasts, hands clasped at funerals, first cuddles with newborns, lunches with work wives, shared moments in the group chat—our friendships touch and enrich every corner of our lives. But how often do we pause to reflect on them deeply?Just Friends dives into the heart of modern friendships, exploring what it means to be a friend, how we make them, and, sometimes, how we lose them. This heartfelt celebration shines a light on the many shapes and forms friendships can take—whether forged in the workplace, discovered in motherhood, nurtured within neighborhoods, or blossoming into chosen family.A tender, joyful exploration of the connections that sustain us, Just Friends is a book to savor on the beach, share with a book club, and return to time and again. Most importantly, it’s a book to press into the hands of the friends you love the most.Praise for Just Friends“Yankovich’s debut is a celebration of the people that often know us better than we know ourselves. Comforting, warming, and tender, by a very talented writer.”—The Australian“The perfect pick for book clubs or just-because gifts for your BFF(s).”—Broadsheet“A joyful, hopeful, and considered book that will have you texting your friends in a hurry to tell them how much you appreciate them.”—Lucinda Price, author of Perfect Candidate“This book not only made me think about my friends in a different way, it also made me think about the kind of person I want to be.”—Bridie Jabour, author of Trivial Grievances“A thoughtful, brilliant, and wholly comforting read.”—Elfy Scott, author of The One Thing We’ve Never Spoken About“This book honors our most significant relationships with the tender thoughtfulness of the best friend you’ve ever had.”—Gina Rushton, author of The Most Important Job in the World
Know Your Worth
Know Your Worth $29.99
A personal finance title like no other, designed for total newbies and with the goal of helping you feel less ashamed about your attitudes around money, Know Your Worth is a very accessible guide to help you sort through the emotional baggage that's holding you back, from financial expert Victoria Vivente.Learn how to:- Start financially coaching yourself without blame- Write a budget that doesn't suck- Tackle debt and start understanding what superannuation actually isNo matter what stage you're at on your money journey, Know Your Worth will help you heal your relationship with money - for good.